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1028A Windrace Trail Sanford, NC 27332 919-444-2896

Board of Directors Monthly Meetings
The Directors meet at 7pm on the third Wednesday of each month to discuss community business, make decisions and plan for upcoming events. The meeting is normally held at the Carolina Trace Fire House. The first 15 minutes of each meeting is dedicated to hearing from our neighbors. It’s an opportunity for Southwind Owners and Residents to offer input and pose questions to the Board. All Owners and Residents not currently serving on the Board will share the dedicated time. Inputs and questions collected during this time will be included in the meeting notes under New Business.
SWPOA Annual Meetings
SWPOA holds an Annual Meeting at 7:30pm on the second Monday of every October, usually at the Carolina Trace County Club. Everyone is invited to attend and participate. This is an exciting meeting because we take a look back at the prior 12 months and celebrate all that’s been achieved. We also vote for the next year’s Board of Directors with eager anticipation. If you would like to support your community by joining the SWPOA Board of Directors, please fill out the nomination form located here. Please note nominations need to be received by the Board no later than 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting.
Board Meeting Minutes
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