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1028A Windrace Trail Sanford, NC 27332 919-444-2896
Welcome to Southwind
We strive to make our community a great place to live, work, and play. We achieve this by responsibly taking care of our property, supporting and respecting each other and building positive relationships with our neighbors.

Are you getting the latest community information?
If you aren’t getting the latest community information, especially during emergency situations, it’s probably because we don’t know how to contact you! Submit your contact information to our secretary by clicking on the appropriate button below. We promise not to spam you.
This is the safest place I have ever lived!
Victoria - Southwind Resident

Local Businesses
As Homeowner's we are often looking for trustworthy solutions. Plumbers, roofers, car mechanics, and so much more.
While the POA can not make an official endorsement of any business, we would like to allow our members the opportunity to share their experiences with local business providers. So if you have had an exceptional personal experience with a local business, please share with our community here.

2024 Southwind POA Dues
Improved Lots $635
Unimproved Lots $494
due date is March 31, 2023
Mail your payment to
Southwind POA
1028A Windrace Trail
Sanford, NC 27332
(or drop your payment in
the POA's mailbox at the Pool)

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